AVANTI provides you with flexible and affordable solutions to fit your business needs.

What is your current problem?

  • Are you tired that you or your employees are wasting time solving computer problems?
  • Do you need help deciding what technology is best for your business?
  • Do you want to have access to an experienced IT Staff without paying high costs?
  • Are you tired of chasing o trying to find a reliable computer technician?
  • Do you need help retreiving useful data from your current Information System?

Tell us about your problem or need, we can help...


IT Managed Services


We provide dependable and reliable IT Managed Services to help our customers succeed in their business

  • Remote and On-site support to solve common computer functional and usage problems
  • Implementation of Information Security strategies.
  • Security updates and anti-virus monitoring
  • Programmed on-site visits for preventive maintenance
  • Computer repair services both on-site and on our shop
  • Business applications support and optimization
  • IT staffing solutions

Our IT Managed Services solutions provide you with a reliable IT Staff that will guarantee the availability of your systems.



Custom Sofware Development


AvanTI is commited with providing high quality custom software development services for our customers.

We strive on transforming our innovative development services in the success of our customers. For this we make use of modern development plataforms and software development tools.

Some of our software development services include:

  • Desktop application development
  • Web application development
  • Mobile application development
  • Business information system developmet (ERP, CRM, Financial)
  • Manufacturing applications and information system development



IT Consulting


At AvanTI we take pride on helping our clients to achieve their business goals.

We put at your service our IT and business expertise to find optimal solutions that fit your business needs. As consultants we provide:

  • Innovative, flexible and affordable solutions
  • We will work with you to identify areas of opportunity to improve the process and usage of technology
  • Technology roadmaps to help you decide what's best for your business
  • Business information systems design and implementation
  • Network design and implementation project

We are not just any other IT company, we want you to consider us a business partner that will help you to suceed in your business.